How SMART is your marketing? Are you tying together email and social media marketing

What is SMART marketing?

In sales and marketing terms its straight forward : Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic (or relevant) and Timely.

Nearly everyone I speak to, associated with sales, is familiar with the specific, achievable and realistic.  They are the ones that easily trip off the tongue. 

We want to sell more . . . cars . . .  over the weekend of Friday 26th April – Monday 29th April.  Achievable and realistic are sometimes rolled into one -, ‘damn right it’s possible, we have done it before!’

But measurable and timely are getting more difficult as we move further into a digital and GDPR world.

Where are your enquiries coming from. And which source is actually buying from you.
Generating sales or just enquiries

Once upon a time, we put a large advert in the local / regional paper.  Probably with a list of cars we were selling on Wednesday, that unfortunately would be out of date by the time Friday came around. (But who cared, we would have other, similar cars by then)

If we were looking for a big push we would hold a Black and White event, a Man from the Factory event, Double Discount.  The list could go on, but you get the idea.  It needed to sound different to the customer and it needed to say ‘this weekend you will get the deal of a lifetime’.

If we were lucky, the manufacturer of our chosen brand would also be running a smooth and sophisticated advert on ITV or Channel 4.  ‘Loosing a fortune is not important to the VW Golf driver.’

Today you have a head start if you are part of a large group, or have a really switched on marketing team.  But not every retailer is the same size or has the same respources.

In the past, several boxes of pizza were ordered together with a few bottle of beer and everyone was roped into the showroom to make some early evening calls.  Job done.  We had people in the showroom and we sold some more cars.

As the salesman hated it – and therefore didn’t try hard to be really good at it – we asked outside companies to make the calls.  They did it all the time, so there results were always going to be better. 

They may have costed slightly more than the pizza and beer, but then if you sold one more car, it paid for the extra, and everyone was happy.

(Don’t ask about the focus group I was running in a ‘neutral ground’, two room, conference suite, to measure customers opinions. It had to be cancelled mid-session because the ‘sales team’ sat next door, watching the live video feed, decided to order pizza and drink and be loud and derisive after every negative comment)

Today we need to spend much more professional attention on Measurable and Timely if we want to make the most of our marketing.

Cold calling is now out of the window. If retailers are slightly twitchy, paranoid or have no confidence in how diligently the in-house database had been updated with ‘Do not contact’ notes.  Even today, in 2024 I am still seeing client databases that don’t have the option to say ‘Don’t call / text / email this customer’.

Digital marketing rose in parallel with the internet. But now your message is one of a thousand that will bombard the customer this week.  Making it difficult to stand out.  Buying the back page of the paper anymore knowing that it will sit on a coffee table or side board for a few days attracting a number of subliminal glances is also unfeasible.

So sales teams hit everything.  Checked Email lists, BLOG posts, Facebook, Instagram, X, etc.

But what is measurable and timely?  Sales exec’s haven’t started to asked customers what brought them into the showroom – they say they do, but they still don’t!

You need to combine the two letters of the acronym and manage them together.

Most email marketing platforms, like our own eSend system, records how many emails were sent, when, who opened them, which ones bounced, etc.

But that’s not really giving you the whole picture.  An Outlook user – If you don’t open the email, but read it in the preview window, like more than 50% of email users do, then it will never be flagged to the sending company that the email has been opened or read.

How many times have you seen some vague message in your in box, but entered the details straight into a browser to have a look?  Again, no way of tracking that.

There is a lovely phrase in marketing called ‘Bounce rate’, not to be confused with bounced emails which means that ‘at that one moment in time’ your email couldn’t be delivered. 

Marketing ‘Bounce Rate’ is the level of customers that visited your webpage, but didn’t go any further.  Perhaps they were distracted, your page could have been one of many open on their browser for a couple of hours.  In fact Google assumes they have already left if the page is still up after 30 minutes.

So what do you need.  Is it really worth spending a tiny amount with someone to show you how to make it all measurable in a timely manner?

Absolutely.  You would know :

How many people followed a link on your email, or your google ad’ and ended up on a specific information page you are promoting. The landing page.

When visitors looked, can be tracked down to the minute. And for how long.

Landing page for each message you are putting out there? One for the blog, the email and one or more for social media. It can split up all your enquiries.

Which offers ‘name’ is attractive enough, that users entered that into their Google search. 

(Remember to add an information box on your main opening page – something like – ‘Latest Offers’ together with links to the most recent marketing campaigns. – You can track movement)

The more information you know the better.  The initial idea, the offer, is only part of it.  So is writing about it, texting, email marketing or calling.  You need to know exactly who is seeing what you are creating and what they are responding to.  If you want to know about marketing A/B testing. Give us a call.

For 30 years out telemarketing approach always broke down exactly what the customers through, and how that affected their buying decision.  Google Analytics (#GA4) does the same thing online.  But sometimes a retailer needs a little hand holding to set up something that is basically free (from Google) to make money for you.

Give Cymark a call.  We can plan bespoke landing pages with your team and put in place Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics that will work for you.  We will even do the reports so you can manage the effect.

Marketing is expensive.  Don’t waste it.

Telemarketing team

5 Major Benefits of Outsourced Telemarketing.

Today, many retailers try to outsource their telemarketing to an expert team.  It is the right option for a number of reasons.  Do you wonder if outsourced telemarketing can work for your dealership?

A trained and professional telemarketing team for the motor trade.

Cost effective.

Hiring a third party company for telemarketing is one of the best approaches to increase vehicle sales and workshop bookings for both small and large dealerships.  When you have a large in-house sales team in the showroom, it becomes too expensive to have a matching bank of trained telesales exec’s to keep up with the on / off demand.

Outsourced telemarketing, with a specialist company is a solid investment and, frankly, it is cheaper than any other marketing method.

Skilled workforce.

The ability to communicate over the phone makes telemarketing successful. Hiring a third party telemarketing expert means that you are getting telemarketers who are well versed and trained in the art of motor trade customer contact over the telephone.  Well-motivated and experts in getting results.


Telemarketing is not only about calling leads, but also shortlisting potential customers – looking to buy within the next couple of weeks from the tyre kickers not really looking to buy until the autumn.

Cymark can dedicate time, flexibly, to make the telemarketing calls when they need to be done. When they are most convenient for your customers and when they are likely to give you the best return.  To achieve this you want an experienced and skilled telemarketing company to work with you.

Greater sale conversion.

Successful retailers are linking their internet and telephone enquiries, first to an immediate response sales executive in the showroom, then on to a trained team who can qualify properly, find the hot spots that will convert a prospect to a customer.  A skilled customer support representative contacting a customer helps generate a sale and improves the conversion rate for the whole team.

Return on Investment.

A major advantage of outsourcing telemarketing is that both objectives – sales today / sales tomorrow – can be measured from the very beginning.  Outsourcing your telemarketing services will both authenticate what your true conversion rate is, from engaging with customers as a third party, and see that identified opportunities are followed up and converted.  Every metric and analysis is important and makes the whole sales team generate greater success.

Challenges of outsourcing telemarketing.

Since your telemarketing operation will be handled by a third party company, direct supervision may become a bit challenging. Choose a third party partner with the ability and the correct experience becomes vital.  A specialised telemarketing company that offers relevant analysis and metrics is an incredible thing to have.

Language limitations.

Is it right for you? It is important to make sure the language spoken is compatible with the target audience, is this the voice that the customer is expecting to hear? A customer from the north west is more likely to trust either a non-geographic or northern accent.  A good third party provider will have trained telemarketers that are clear and professional.


Data protection and GDPR are key. Ensure you speak to a third part company that has a long experience of working with, and protecting, your most valuable asset.  Your sales data and prospect data.

Do they work with people you know, not flaunting their own customer base may be important, if they preserve the confidence of their own clients, they are likely to preserve yours.

The plan.

Outline what you expect to see from the collaboration. How you expect the success’s and failures to be communicated back to your own management team.  Don’t get tied into a long term contract, can you engage the company on a month by month basis.  Are they confident enough int heir own ability to do that.


The increasing number of retailers that are opting for outsourced telemarketing is proof that dealerships understand the advantages and benefits.  The rapid pace of technology within the motor trade, new products, new drive trains is making showroom executives time ever more precious.

Outsourcing with either an in-house team or outside agency, finding a company that can both save you money, increase your conversion rate and reduce you liability.

Get in touch with us at or to learn how to maximise your conversion rate and be on top of the trends.

Capacitor charging an electric car

Electric Car, charged in less than 5 seconds.

Zap, and your gone. Really, it’s not a pipe dream.

We have had the technology to store electric car power, that charges in seconds and has 10x the power density of a lithium-Ion battery for years.

The Capacitor.

Are capacitors the real future for the EV cars. They should be.

So why haven’t we heard about it?? Well you have, and you have been using them elsewhere in the house,   You have them in your refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave. But there are some limitations – but then, limitations are there to be overcome.

  • Capacitors, weight for weight hold 10x the power of a lithium battery.
  • They can charge up, completely full in 2-3 seconds (yes, seconds)
  • They don’t deteriorate with age like normal batteries.

So why aren’t car makes filling their electric #EV ’s with capacitors?  Well Porsche tried a few years ago, but couldn’t slow them (the storage) down enough.

The problem is that a capacitor wants to give you all of its power in one go, or at best over a very short time frame.  Not much good if you want it to last 3 hours on a motorway trip. So car manufacturers are looking at ways of using the superb storage and charging benefits of the capacitor while simultaneously slowing down how quickly it wants to give you that power back.

This is the real golden goose.  The same power, would weigh a 10th of current EV batteries.  How much better would that be to drive. How much more efficient would that be.

PLUS, the icing on top of the cake, they are not made of rare toxic metals or chemicals. A win win?

Ok, so the maximum range is probably only 15-20 miles, because it really needs to discharge that fast. So does that mean it’s a non-starter?

Lets look at the problem another way.

It takes less than 2 seconds to charge up. It can do 15 miles, conservatively, between charges.  So if you needed to go 300 miles it would take 20 charges, total – 40 seconds to charge.  Ok, that’s not the problem.

But slowing down, stopping etc, that’s the issue.

But what if you didn’t? 

Like your mobile phone, you can have induction charging, you just have to be ‘over’ the charger for the energy to pass from the pad in the road to the car.

How about a series of pads at every traffic light, or junction?  You’re bound to stop for at least a second in 15 miles!

And motorways or dual carriage ways aren’t an issue. These induction chargers can be any size or shape – they are just wires buried in the road.   At 75 mph motorway speed you travel just under 34 meters in those 2 seconds.

Coils buried in the road charge the car while you drive over them #EV Induction Charging
Coils in the road charging your car

Image courtesy of / Mya Eaindra Thein

Every 5 miles you could have a string of 30-40 meter induction coils under the tarmac, you would be fully charged every time you went over them.

Major re-wiring of the roads?  Well yes, but at the moment we are looking at the re-wiring of our houses and driveways, with no solution for people who live in apartments or even tower blocks.

No home re-chargers. No trouble trying to find a Tesla charging point that’s both working or free on the way home.

Technology. We love it. We just have to think about it a different way sometimes.

This of course is the same as making event marketing calls – It all happens in one week, for an event this weekend – But it can be compared to a steady, week by week, set of marketing calls, that give you a number of solid leads every week. You get the same leads, they are just spread out so you can manage and cope with them. (Plus you don’t need the attractive, ‘huge discounts’, of an event weekend.)

Have a look at our showroom log / enquiry page – Enquiry Maximisation

emails flying

Help – Can you produce detailed email statistics?

We are often asked, “can you help us produce detailed statistics, like you do for all your calling campaigns, for our other marketing.”

We do produce complete marketing results for a number of clients, but you can do it yourself very easily.

Track your email campaigns like your web traffic.

A number of companies completely skip the FREE OPTION of tracking their email campaigns beyond the very basic.

Use Google Analytics to track your email campaigns exactly like you would a pay per click Online Ad.

Plus, if you do it all through Google Analytics (GA4) you can compare and combined the email results with the rest of your marketing – Interest from Facebook, Pinterest, Blog posts.

Tie it all together. It will make your life much easier and is a HUGE step forward from the ‘Sent / Delivered / Bounced / Opened’ responses that are pretty inaccurate. (Does your smartphone open your emails automatically, or do you read the bulk of the incoming email in Outlook without actually opening it?)

Sound like too much work?, Too complicated?, Have a look through the following steps and short video. You could have all this new information by the end of the afternoon.

Why Email Campaigns?

Recognised as the most cost-effective technique to grow your business. Email marketing builds your brand awareness and expands your customer base.

But you need to know which bit is generating you sales.

(for sending email campaigns with eSend click – eSend Email Marketing Platform)

Why Google Analytics (GA4)?

Simply put, because most of your ad’s are through Google – probably – and it is completely free.

You can see both which email generate interest. You can see which landing page they visited. Plus, being free, you can play with it without worrying about wasting money.

So what do I need?

To get this to work you are going to need the following:

  • A Google account.  It can be a new Marketing account, rather than your own.
  • A Google Analytics account. This is where you will see all the statistics.
  • A Google Tag Manager account. This is the middle step, between your own website and the analysis.
  • Aware of URL/ATM codes. Really easy, this is the code you put in your email.

There are hundreds of very detailed Google help video’s online to walk you through these three items, but we can recommend starting with –

Google Analytics 4 Tutorial for Beginners (2022) – YouTube

This instructor will walk through using all four steps above, it might take you 40 minutes.  But it can save you hours if you are not familiar with Google Analytics.

I now have GA4 and the other bits. What happens now?

You are probably familiar with links within emails. These are the little blue buttons or phrases that you are encouraged to click, which then leaps you forward onto the senders website, normally to show you more information on the item you were interested in.

The leap to the website is the stage most users stop at. But there is so much more.

The URL/ATM code mentioned above lets you add a little bit of description to the blue link. All of which will take you to the same page on your website.

For example –

Link will go to.                  Harris Tweed Jacket Page.

Google Analytics will show –       317 users went to the Harris Tweed Jacket Page.

With URL/ATM Code –

Link will go to.                  Harris Tweed Jacket Page.

Google Analytics will show –       27 users went from your Newsletter email.

                                                    104 users went from your autumn offers email.

                                                    172 users went from your summer offers email.

                                                    14 users went from your ‘Not seen you recently’ email.

In fact, once you become used to Google Analytics you can track exactly which of those user types above ran through the whole website, put items if the sales cart (if used) and bought. Or completed a ‘more information’ form.

The links for the above products – all free and not connected to eSend in any way –


Google Tag Manager.

URL/UTM.  Campaign URL Builder (

So what will I see?

Once everything is hooked up above, you go into Google Analytics. Given the amount of data that Google fights through, there is often a delay of a few hours before data starts initially coming through.

We are the first to admit, that Google Analytics can look very daunting to start with. So we have put together some screens, with ‘Click this bit now’ arrows. (Google has a habit of upgrading GA4 all the time, the exact position on the screen may vary from those below, but you should be able to find the steps. Plus you will know what to type into the help screen should you get lost.

The opening Analytics page (demo account shown) shows the overall site traffic. Follow the arrows.

Google Analytics email tracking reports
Google Analytics email tracking audiences
Google Analytics email segment
Google Analytics email source
Google Analytics email clicked

For a little more information, have a look at the eSend page on the Cymark website or visit the dedicated eSend website.

Car sales order process

Are your order takers aggressive enough to be sales exec’s?

Since Q4 2022 dealership stock have risen back towards pre-Covid levels.  In some cases, too much stock. But getting back to normal is not just about stock levels.  It’s about attitude.

Over the last 6 months, through our lost sale follow-up calls, we have seen a continuation of the ‘reason for lost sale’ that became prevalent when we had limited stock. Namely – “We didn’t have exactly what they wanted, so they bought one elsewhere”.

Are your order takers aggressive enough to be sales execs.  Do they just walk through the process or do they try to close a deal

Speaking to Sales Managers this has not been the whole truth.  Quite often we get – ‘bloody hell, we have two of those!’.

The strong sales managers, before 2020, always seemed to know which people in the team were the closers, the working sales exec’s you could rely upon to talk the customer into the car you had.  It might not have been the right colour, or the right spec, but – “Today Mr Customer, this is the right car for you.”

Have we been developing teams of order takers?  It has been a growing issue for perhaps the past 10 years, but the pandemic brought it on in waves.

True, when the only cars to sell are new cars, cars that aren’t in stock and aren’t available to demonstrate, we built some very good teams of order takers.  Explaining the pro’s and con’s of a vehicle that, as yet, doesn’t exist is not always easy.

But has it gone too far?

Our ‘Reason for Lost Sale’ analysis is showing more and more that the real reason your customer decided to buying elsewhere, wasn’t price or availability. They just weren’t closed.

Thankfully our calls are still showing that roughly 55% of customers still haven’t bought any car a month after they initially enquired.  Out of those half again are actively looking for your brand now. Today.

So all is not lost.

You just have to know which ones to chase.  Which is where Cymark comes in.

Have a look – Enquiry / Lost Sale Follow Up.

#lostsale, #customerjourney

4 Years. The Race is on.

Do you need to close as many of those EV opportunities as possible before the latest EV reports reaches the mainstream motoring press?

Just this week, Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) answered a simple question, “When will electric cars be cheaper than ICE models?”.  We aren’t 100% sure who asked the question but their response was interesting.

Scales moving in favour of petrol cars

BNEF :  “Well if you count the whole life costs of the car, you could say that is now.  But, looking at manufacturing, we expect EV’s to be just 10% more expensive than their equivalent petrol engine model by 2027.”

Again, more great news for the buying public.  At last the future of motoring comes back into the reach of so many small car buyers.

But TODAY, you need to make the most of all those EV enquiries.  What if they dry up, waiting for these new 10% cars to arrive.

If Bloomberg are to be believed, and why not they are one of the largest financial institutions in America, then would you pay today, what is roughly a 40% over charge for some models, or would you buy something short term and wait it out.

Sure, there are some exceptions.  The new Volvo EX30, when it arrives will be just £34k, only slightly smaller than the existing XC40, but starting price is exactly the same.

A bit like shrinkage in the supermarket, maybe that 10% was the packaging size.

If more manufacturers follow this Swedish lead, then perhaps the 10% models will be here sooner rather than later.  However, looking at the other prestige models, the current line up’s all seem to be focused on the more expensive models.

We can only wait.

If you have rising manufacturers targets, that include EV sales you need to convert as many of those EV enquiries as possible with different enquiry management programmes like Cymarks Lost Sale and Enquiry Follow-Up programmes, both improve conversion rates.

Roll on the 10%.  

#ev, #volvo, #ex30, #bloomberg

Mercedes – Spinning like a top!

Ok, my strap line is a little bit more sympathetic than much of the press – “The new Mercedes EQG can turn like a tank”.  I’m sure #Mercedes are pleased with that one.

They are referring to the latest all electric 4×4 offering from the German brand which will have 4 electric motors and will allow those on the right of the car to turn in the opposite direction to those on the left.  Spinning the car around. . . . like a top.

It all goes to show that Tesla was right – you need a new gimmick to make a new model interesting today – If you want to drive more potential customers into the sales funnel you need to stand out.

#mercedes #G-Turn #salesfunnel #cymark

Despite lockdown. Still surprising.

I ‘had’ given up being surprised by customers within the Motor Trade. But this autumn is really something.

I think most of us are hoping that this positive sales bubble won’t burst, despite lockdowns, social distancing and localised tiers.

But in 32 years in the trade, 25 years with Cymark I have absolutely no idea what is driving customers in 2020.

I am sure I could come up with a load of marketing waffle, to sound coherent, but in reality I hear that many professional versions of – ‘this is what is happening’, that I have given up trying to second guess the market.

For example –

For years, Cymark has been making bespoke event / appointment calls to drive customers into the showroom. Every retailer does it. It’s a good, reliable source of business.

This November we geared up to make a number of calls for a particular manufacturers used car event, scheduled for the 6-9th November. Calls from the 2nd to the 6th.

Then, as we all know, Lockdown 2 arrived, effectively closing the majority of showrooms and access to the stock.

  • The dealers were out of pocket, having committed to taking extra stock from the brand.
  • We were out of pocket having scheduled everyone to make the calls.

But COVID-19 is COVID-19 and it is better to be safe.

Now the interesting part –

Normally, when we make appointment calls we have a pretty high hit rate and expect to make around 12% showroom appointments. Give or take, we get through to around 75-80% of the customers and get about 12% in through the door. Don’t over sell it, we need these people to turn up!

But, a couple of sites that decided to push ahead with the used event anyway, despite the lockdown.

“We can try virtual. Ask the customer for a time when the sales exec’ can call them to talk to them about a particular car. Then we can do Click and Collect. . . .”

So, we did. The deal on offer was good, but probably no more so than before March, but we were getting much more interest from customers.

Appointments / Time for a call – UP from 12% to 16% across sites.

PLUS – Possible interest and wanted to talk to a sales exec anyway – Another 6%

And these customers bought. With the new lockdown the retailers were able to stretch their event offer window slightly, and the customers put their hands in their pockets.

We were expecting a little kickback when we made the calls, but they were all made at sensible times of the day, and with as little pressure as possible. Just polite and professional.

The customers are easier to chat to, sure they wanted to speak about the summer and COVID in general, but as long as you aren’t chasing a ‘must speak to 12 customers per hour’ target and have the time it works. But then all our calls are like that. No pressure. Just professional.

I hope this continues. Retailer staff are back into furlough, but sites are getting lots of enquiries. Not just from the event calls outlined above, but normal telephone / manufacturer leads, our enquiry follow-up calls and local business B2B prospecting calls are showing great results.

Customers want to buy your cars!

Long may it continue.

Long may it keep surprising me.

A great autumn. Let’s not miss any.

The Motor Trade has been having a great autumn, sales are strong and profits are up year on year in many sites. Lets make sure we convert as many of those enquiries as possible. Now. While the market is strong.

A long time ago I made my living selling Ford Escorts and Sierra’s. But I and virtually every sales exec’ I worked with knew exactly where we wanted to be.

We wanted to be in the Porsche showroom selling 911’s.

As far as we were concerned Porsche salesman did absolutely nothing. The customers walked in and if they had the money, they ordered a car. “You would like a test drive? Have you got your cheque book?”

I know the reality was slightly different, but how many times have we heard in the past few years – “Oh they are just order takers now, they don’t do any real selling.”

I am sure a large part of this is the older generation looking back with rose tinted glasses, and there is certainly more paperwork, professionalism, and legal hoops to jump through, but the sentiment is certainly still with us.

Take this summer. A bloody awful summer. But again, the message I am getting back from our dealers is that it has been the best Autumn in years. One Volvo site confirmed that it has been the best September they have EVER had.

I have lost count of the number of dealerships that have told me that they are ahead of 2019 budget year on year. Which is fantastic. And doesn’t look like easing up yet.

It’s difficult to argue with the numbers. Sales are up. Admittedly still more on the used side, but at least the profit is really good on used.

The reason for my comparison in the opening couple of paragraphs is to ask the question – “Are we being order takers at the moment?”

Our showrooms are certainly enquiry rich, and with retailers running very lean to keep costs down, the sales exec’s are doing what any sales exec’ would do when there are only so many hours in the day. They cherry pick.

Which is great. Sort of. We are certainly selling cars, so this is definitely not a complaint.

But a lot more customers are saying that their enquiry hasn’t been followed up. To be fair, perhaps the sales exec’ has looked at both the enquiry and the customer and decided that A) the car is to hard to find, B) there is not enough money in the deal or C) It’s a new car, forward order, that won’t pay him any commission for 5 months.

As a company, for 25 years, Cymark has followed up lost sale records to ensure that customers that are actually still looking to buy a car and flipped back into the showroom.

With as much information about what, when and how serious they are.

For 25 years these customers have been buying cars and generating much more income than our own nominal costs. (that and we are good at it).

But today, how can we fault a sales exec that is flat out and hitting his numbers. He has enough enquiries to go at.

As one Sales Director said recently.

“Guy. In the showroom I have two execs’ off, self-isolating, you are sending these customers back to us that are still wanting to buy a car from us. But I don’t have anyone to give the record to!”

But I would still have to ask, “Wouldn’t you want to know?”

I know time is the problem at the moment. Sales exec’s and sales managers are running around left and right trying to sort out orders, click and collect hand overs and virtual sales videos. But I still go back to my Ford days –

“I can sell these Fiesta’s all day long. But they only bring in £100. Or I can convert that Cosworth enquiry and make £2,000.”

I know which one my sales manager would want me to follow up this afternoon.

Good luck everyone. At least this lockdown seems more manageable than the last.

90 day industry update.

Cymark Newsletter. 

A quick update for retailers. What’s coming back from the sites, what seems to be working and suggestions. Just one update per month. This is a shortened version of the monthly update provided for Cymark retailers.

Another great month in the showroom for retail sales. Used sales leading the charge in around 2/3 of retailers, but new car sales are now not far behind.

If a customer is comfortable and confident in their work / home position they are putting their hand in their pocket. Many for top of the range, high spec models as they can see a good deal on offer.

A new sub heading I am putting in is –

COVID-19 Safe for staff and customers alike.

As you would expect there is a vast amount of showroom arrows and signs in existence to guide customers around more spacious showrooms as fewer cars are included to aid social distancing.

But this is certainly not an even playing field. The vast majority of sites have service and sales exec’s alike behind plastic screens, all wearing masks with clear and ‘in and out’ routes. But a sizeable minority only seem to be taking these steps for service or reception staff.

On my monthly visits around sites we are seeing a number where either service assistants are taking customers back to their cars without masks or sales exec’s are sitting behind normal desks without screens or masks.

I know one metre plus is the rule and not wearing a mask is completely legal for staff working within a retail environment, but we are seeing rising levels of concern in customer comments. Both sales customers and service customers along the following lines –

“I felt a bit silly. They all seemed to be wandering about without masks, walking across the showroom, taking keys back to customers and the like. But I feel a bit ‘wrong’ for wearing a mask, almost as if I am being rude for covering my face, if they aren’t”

No one is doing anything wrong, or against guidance, and not wearing the PPE if your actions make a customer feel . . . . . . .

Of course, there is a flip side to this –

A franchised retailer was having difficulty with his union representative over staff safety because some customers were coming in without appointments and masks. Almost pushing the situation out of bravado.

The retailers solution : He mounted (they weren’t wired up) low cost CCTV cameras in clearly visible spots right behind the receptionists just above a large bold sign that announced “Due to complaints we are working with local law enforcement to video people not wearing masks to help identification. Masks must be worn at all times in our showroom”

The problem stopped quite quickly.

Retail Sales.

While enquiry levels, year to date 2019 to 2020, are down many sites are reporting the best August sales figures for years.

Potential customers have been looking at the spec’s, looking at the adverts and making a lot of decisions. By the time they get to your door they are a lot further down the sales process.

Which is great for conversion figures.

Source of enquiry is very interesting. We have been doing a lot of proactive work with sites, mini campaigns of perhaps only 300-400 customers are showing very strong results.

But for reactive enquiries, when speaking to potential customers through our lost sale process we are seeing an overwhelming number that have come via the manufacturers website.

Many groups and retailers have comprehensive websites – very expensive with google pay per click, but the vast majority of customers identified the manufacturer as the site they most visited when ‘deciding’ to buy a particular make or model. Over 75% of customers.

Many customers did search for the local retailers webpage, but only after they had made the decision, to check the location / opening hours to see if a particular car is in stock.

The other good news is the overdue contacts and end of contract / 32 month calls. So don’t let your sales exec’s off the hook. When making calls – covering for sales exec’s that are isolating – we are finding 1:4 customers wanting to speak to the sales team straight away. Even if the record is now 3 months overdue they are worth a call.


Service Is still leading profitability, but the numbers have certainly eased off. Many sites have caught up with the backlog.

The workshops are busy, often with reduced technicians per ramp, but we are seeing a reduction in hours sold compared to July. Sites have made a great job of getting customers in that took advantage of the MOT window.

Collection and delivery back is very popular, and while costly for the retailer – and the customer : Some sites are charging a £10 collection / delivery fee to contribute to increased driver costs.

Parts activity is also dropping this month as the non-franchised workshops are also seeing a drop in business in August. But like sales, many departments are seeing an increase in year to date results.

I know that our email bodyshop / mechanical programme is seeing a lot of activity as parts departments are getting their offers out every few days instead of every few weeks.

Local Business.

Small fleet sales continue to be very strong. Larger fleet users are still really only changing a vehicle if they have to, and many vehicles are a long way behind their projected mileages. So companies are holding onto the cars for a little longer.

Van sales continue to be very strong, but some manufacturers are reporting low stock levels for new vehicles, with no new replacements until well into Q4.

If you supply electric or hybrid LCV’s you are certainly riding the crest of a wave at the moment. Particularly if you’re around the M25.

Email marketing is rising. 

While sales from digital marketing is strong, we are seeing a slow increase through August in the percentage of customers that are opening and clicking through email’s upon first contact/receipt.

This is the case across all industry sectors, not just the motor trade, as people return to work mode. We are seeing some very impressive campaigns through our eSend platform but its certainly true that small, targeted campaigns are working best with short, to the point, emails.